How-To Plant Lily Bulbs

The best time to plant lily bulbs in your garden is in September and October.

The steps are as follows.

  1. Dig a hole 6 inches deep or 3 times the height of the lily bulb.
  2. Place the bulb with the roots at the base and the noses of the bulb facing up.
  3. Place soil over the bulb and water well.
  4. A thin layer of leaf or straw mulch can be spread over the planting spot.
  5. Next spring, gently remove the mulch layer and wait for the lily to push through the soil.

Here is a quick video on how to plant lily bulbs in Canada in fall.


Why do you water when planting lily bulbs?

The lily bulb is alive and growing during winter. If the ground is dry, the bulb may desiccate during winter and not have enough energy to grow or may be weak. At the same time the soil should just be moist, not sopping wet. Over saturated soil could cause the bulb to rot.

Do lilies need fertilizing when they are planted?

You can fertilize with a tomato-type fertilizer. A teaspoon of 12-52 or other high 2nd number, phosphate, fertilizer, worked into the soil is what is best.

What does well-drained soil mean?

It means that water can move away. Although moisture is good for Asiatic lily bulbs, they do require soil that is not soggy.

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