Winter 2020 Seed

For winter 2020 we are offering a few packets of seed. Free shipping.

Daylily Seed From Lilyfield Farm
Daylily seeds.

Daylily seeds are easy to handle and with enough light, grow into sturdy plants indoors in the winter months.

Lily seed from Lilyfield farm
Lily seeds.

Asiatic lily seeds are like bits of brown paper. They are candled, to make sure an embryo is present. Their first leaves are grass like. You can start them in winter in a window or under lights.

Dalhansnoii lighter
Dalhansonii martagon lily.

Martagon lilies are those down facing turks cap lilies with whorled leaves that enjoy shade. These seeds require 3 months warm in peat moss and then 3 months in the fridge. Then they will produce their first leaves.

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