Levin (LF 2024)
Height: 30 inches (76 cm), Season: Midseason, Branches: W, Buds: 12
Diameter: 5 inches (12.7 cm),Bloom Habit: Diurnal
Foliage: Dormant
It is all about the eye. You can’t walk past ‘Levin’ without stopping for a closer look. Like it’s mother plant, Lilyfield’s own ‘River Walks and Lattes’, ‘Levin’ has an ever changing eye and petal form. ‘Levin’ will be influenced by the weather. Some days the eye will be dark and other days a light purple. Set on creamy petals, Levin will show up nicely in a perennial bed. Standing at only 2.5 feet ‘Levin’ has numerous stems per plant and flowers from the top creating a nice bouquet.
Transplants nicely and has lived out in the field since 2021.
‘Levin’ is named for the farming character in Leo Tolstoy’s Anna Karenina. While Levin worked in the fields and managed the farm, his mind was thinking about how one goes about becoming a good person and sharing that with others.
(River Walks And Lattes x (Fear Not x Heartbeat of Heaven))
Seedling #K09 Cross #D0830
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