Flying Fire (LF, 2023)


(LF 2023)  14 flowers, out to down facing, medium height 0.9m or 3ft, mid-season, diploid


We are happy to introduce Flying Fire, named by a gardening friend in Manitoba.
This bright pollenless Asiatic lily will make for tidy bouquets. It features small clear orange petals with a green reverse. Few wine colour spots. The green can glow through onto the face. Grown from seed in 2013 it has stuck it out through our long evaluation and selection process. It is currently growing out in our zone 3 field with only sunflowers and straw to protect it. Of its siblings this one is the least spotted.

Seedling name:
B34 few spots
Forever Susan x (Brushmarks x L. davidii var. willmottiae)

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